Church Leadership Podcast
Church Leadership Podcast
Church Leadership Podcast Episode 36 - Mark Clifton on Church Revitalization & Replanting

On this week’s episode, Mark and Andy have a blast talking with Mark Clifton, who serves as the Senior Director of Replanting for the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Mark has written a book that serves as a great help for replanting and revitalization, “Reclaiming Glory.” Mark also serves as a co-host with Thom Rainer on the podcast, “Revtalize and Replant.” You don’t want to miss this conversation as Mark Clifton shares about his experience in ministry, the current need for revitalization, and encouragement for church leaders. 

You can get in touch with Mark Clifton here:

You can find more out about church replanting here:

Get a copy of Mark’s book on church revitalization here: Reclaiming Glory: Revitalizing Dying Churches –