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On this week’s episode of the podcast, Mark and Andy get another opportunity to have a conversation with Scott Sullivan. Scott serves as the Discipleship Catalyst for the Georgia Baptist Mission Board. You may remember Scott from Episode 83 when he shared about the Watershed Principle. In this week’s helpful talk, we discuss the shifts needed for the Church in a post-pandemic world, the new metrics needed to gauge effectiveness, and the need for discipleship pathways. We hope this episode is helpful and encouraging, as it challenges us to lead our churches into the future faithfully.
Find out more about Scott’s ministry and connect with him at https://gabaptist.org/discipleship/. You can also download a copy of his Disciple-Making Ministry Overview here.
Quotes from our conversation with Scott Sullivan…
“Churches that love their model more than their mission are really going to struggle in the future.”
“A call to ministry is not necessarily a call to know everything you are supposed to do. A call to ministry is a call to be faithful.”
“Don’t be married to anything but your spouse.”
“Programs should complement peoples’ lives, not complicate them.”
“Figure out who you are, and be very good at it.”
“Start where you are with what you have.”
“Leaders who are disciple makers and make disciples will win the day.”