Church Leadership Podcast
Church Leadership Podcast
Episode 127 - Matt Haines and Kris Mobbs on the Role and Priority of Missions

We have a great episode in store this week! Mark and Andy are joined on the podcast by their friends, Matt Haines and Kris Mobbs. Matt serves as the Pastor of Central Park Baptist Church in Decatur, Alabama. Kris serves as the Director of African Operations with Four Corners Ministries in Northern Uganda, Africa. Matt shares his story of how he came to serve on the board of Four Corners as a pastor, and Kris shares about life as a missionary who equips pastors and churches in Northern Uganda and Southern Sudan. Through the blessing of technology, all four of these guys were able to connect and discuss the role and priority of missions in and through the local church. If you want to know how to prayerfully consider making missions involvement and partnerships more of a priority in your life and church, then you will be greatly encouraged by this informative conversation.

To find out more about how you can get plugged in with Four Corners Ministries and even give to this worthwhile missions effort, you can click here.

Quotes from this week’s conversation…

“My heart began to really break for that area of Africa and the work we were doing there.”

“It was from that bivocational role that God put a burden on my heart for unreached people groups, under equipped people groups, specifically here in Northern Uganda.”

“I believe that God’s Plan A is through healthy, local churches. And when I got boots on the ground here, I learned pretty quickly they are few and far between out here in Africa.”

“The primary issue we have here with gospel clarity centers around the prosperity gospel, which is really just animism in Christian language.”

“When missions is seen as just a program of your church, then it’s an option for Christians to decide at what level they engage or not engage.”

“I think every church can do what they are doing and more. It’s a matter of prioritizing missions.”

“Your church is not going to have a missional investment, if you as the pastor do not have a missional investment.”

“If you don’t see following Jesus, at its very nature, as a missional call, then you’ve missed the Scripture.”