Quotes from this week’s episode…
“I sit there and think, how did this little redneck boy from east central Mississippi wind up in the back of a tuk tuk in India, riding down the streets of Delhi?”
“As pastors, you guys know people in your church who could check all the boxes. So, I need you guys to let me know who can go and do these things (short term mission partnership projects).”
“Where can you partner us with a missionary that maybe doesn’t have any partners? Or a missionary that has a great need?”
“If you have people that don’t know which end of a hammer to hold, you don’t want to send them on a construction project.”
“We’ve learned through the years that true difference is made over a period of time, especially in other cultures.”
“It’s all about getting folks on the field and getting folks mobilized to do what God called us to do.”