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In this episode, Mark and Andy sit down with Dr. Chuck Kelley from the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, where he served as president since 1996. Dr. Kelley shares some of his own personal story and passion for evangelism, talks about life at NOBTS, and reveals some sobering truths about the current and future state of the Southern Baptist Convention.
- “My passion in life is evangelism. Particularly, helping to motivate and equip people to get out there and tell other people what Jesus means to them.”
- “One of the most exciting things today is that just about every excuse for not getting theological education has been removed.”
- “I’m grateful for community… Secondly, what you learn in community is that you can do more connected with other people than you can by yourself… The third thing I had learned is one of the lessons that came to me through our experience with Hurricane Katrina, and that is: do not be afraid… Whatever unfolds in your life, in your ministry, it’s not gonna make God sweat.”
- “To have to confront one of your heroes about a life that was going contrary to the gospel… was just a very tough thing to do.”
- “And I literally leaned against a bookcase for two hours. People bustling all around, having no clue what was happening with me. And I had the deepest, most profound experience of the love of God that I’ve ever had in my life.”
- “If we are not reaching and discipling a new generation of believers, the church will become extinct. So, we have to reach the people in our communities, where we are living and serving.”
- “I like to make up words, and I made up a word called ‘carnalship.’”
- “So, we are taking all of these worship calories in without any Kingdom work coming out… and we are getting spiritually obese by not engaging in the processes of the Kingdom outside of the worship service.”
- “The lost world is having a bigger impact on Southern Baptists, than Southern Baptists are having on the lost world.”