Church Leadership Podcast
Church Leadership Podcast
Episode 28 - Dr. Robert Coleman, Part 2

On this week’s episode of the podcast, you will get to listen in on the second part of a conversation Mark and Andy had with Dr. Robert Coleman, the author of “The Master Plan of Evangelism.” The format for this podcast is different from recent ones, due to the length and style. Since we didn’t want you to miss out on the passionate stories of someone who has pioneered the way for the modern disciple-making movement, we just let Dr. Coleman talk about his life, experiences, heaven, and his love for Christ.


It was the chance of a lifetime for our co-hosts to sit in the home of this special church leader as he shared of his joy in glorifying and enjoying Jesus. At over ninety years of age, “Clem” is still meeting with “his boys” and making disciples of Christ. 
