Church Leadership Podcast
Church Leadership Podcast
Episode 30 - Mark Gainey and Andy Frazier on the Pressures of Attractional Church

On this week’s episode, we get to listen in as Mark shares with Andy about the pressures and expectations of ministry and pastoring. Leading a church is hard enough, but when the pressures from inside and outside the church are felt, it can seem overwhelming. Mark shares about the dangers of dealing with this pressure and some ways to address these expectations in a healthy, biblical way. 

To hear more about the incredible web design & development plan from Incite Ministries that was mentioned at the beginning of the episode, go to GetChurch.Website


  • Let’s just be honest, that can be difficult for pastors and leaders of churches, who are leading normative sized churches, who honestly feel called to make disciples. Because disciple making and crowd drawing are two very different things. 
  • I remember the first time I had a church member come to me, and they were thinking about leaving the church because we just didn’t have the programs that the church down the road offered. At that moment in my ministry, I didn’t have an answer. I didn’t know how to answer them. I didn’t know how to really, here’s the deal: I didn’t know how to disciple them. 
  • Our job is not to draw a crowd. Anybody can draw a crowd… If we decided we wanted to draw a crowd, just raise some money and give a hundred dollars to everybody who shows up. I guarantee you can draw a crowd. 
  • Our job is to make disciples. 
  • Why not let the gospel build your church?

  • Over the years, this whole attractional church model has created a consumer culture within Christianity. 
  • Leader, you need to disciple your church to understand what following Jesus is all about.

  • If you hear a sermon that is preached, that would also be true if Jesus had not risen from the dead, that’s a red flag. 
  • As long as you are faithful to the call and commission that’s placed on your life; if you are making disciples; if you are proclaiming God’s truth, the gospel of Jesus; that is enough. 
  • Be ok with who God made you to be. Be ok with the ministry that God has trusted you with.