Church Leadership Podcast
Church Leadership Podcast
Episode 4 - Chris Crain

Mark and Andy have a great conversation with Dr. Chris Crain. The discussion includes secrets of leadership and tips to take care of yourself as a leader.

Chris serves as the Executive Director of the Birmingham Metro Baptist Association.

During the inverview, Chris mentions 5 Questions to Keep Your Life on P.O.I.N.T.

P – Who can I partner with?
O- How am I owning the Great Commission?
I- How am I investing in my life?
N- Who am I nurturing?
T- Am I teachable?

Quotable: “Somebody has got to be the voice at the table  among your leadership for those who aren’t there yet.”

Common issues pastors and church leaders face…

-Lack of urgency
-Urgency about the wrong things
-Most don’t understand the need to address the changing culture around them
-No new leaders
-Leaders themselves stop being heatlhy

Chris talks about 5 Commitments to Daily Self-care

  1. Read the Bible
  2. Pray
  3. Talk to a friend about something that matters
  4. Engaging the creative arts
  5. Exercise

The Common Cycle of Churches from Richard Rohr
Man > Mission > Machine > Monument

3 R’s of Revitalization

– Respect an Aging Congregation
– Reach the Next Generation
– Respond to Your Community As It Changes

Chris talks about the North American Mission Board.

Quotable: “So, that was really a watershed moment for me. It’s when God really intervened, and He began to do a great work… And it all centered around an elderly man going to the bathroom.” “Never underestimate the power of a restroom break.”