Church Leadership Podcast
Church Leadership Podcast
Episode 43 - Scooter Kellum on Student Ministry, Disciple-Making, & Foster Care
This week, on The Church Leadership Podcast, we are joined by our friend, Scooter Kellum. Scooter serves as the Youth Ministry Strategist for the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions. In this episode, you will hear Scooter share about trends in student ministry, helping churches disciple students, and his family’s passion for foster care. 

Check out what is happening in student ministry in Alabama at YM Link.
Do you want to better equip your students in the area of evangelism? Find out more about the “Speak” event mentioned in this episode at

Are you looking for a summer camp experience that focuses on leadership and discipleship for your students? Check out “Super Summer Alabama” here –
Do you have a student in your church feeling “Called” to ministry or missions? Check out this event that will help –


“There’s a lot of tired, burned out student pastors that are struggling with their personal health: whether that’s spiritual, whether that’s mental, whether that’s emotional or physical. And with that, what I get to do is I get to sit down with them and, I get to just hear them. I get to be an ear.”

“I think there is a rise in youth ministers (who are) really passionate about making disciples, and seeing them graduate, not just from high school but to go to college and see them as missionaries.”

“Technology can be harmful, dangerous, but it can also be a great thing for students who are willing to use it for the good.”

“I think we are gonna see the Church revived. I think the Lord is gonna do some great things. And I think He’s gonna use teenagers to do it.”

“I mean, this is really simple. This isn’t rocket science… But, sit down with your youth pastor and ask him what his vision is for youth ministry. Ask him what his plan for making disciples of teenagers is.”

“When you get to go home and know that you are filling in a gap for family, it is just unbelievable… There’s a good chance we’re not going to get to keep them, and that’s ok, because we are foster parents… We are so thankful to be a part of that redemption process.”

Find out more about adoption and foster care through the ministry of the Alabama Baptist Children’s Home here –