Check out few resources, blog posts, and other helpful items for leading churches during this unprecedented time at https://inciteministries.org/
“I believe that God has allowed this to happen to our churches, to our ministries, for an opportunity… Because the things that we are used to in “doing church” for so long, they’re not present right now in our lives.”
“Engagement trumps attendance. Engagement always matters more than attendance, but even more so now, because we don’t have attendance.”
“Your church members are interacting online, but the question is, ‘Have we equipped them to leverage the online experience for the gospel and for the Kingdom?’”
“Whatever we were doing before the last month to regularly take care of ourselves and take care of our souls, it’s really showing right now.”
“If you don’t even have a Facebook account, I’m just going to go ahead and tell you: pastor, church leader, you probably need one right now.”
“That pattern has really had to change, not only the sermon prep and the sermon execution, but the level of production it takes to get it recorded, to make it look and sound presentable, and then actually get it online.”
“I think, ultimately what it comes down to is, hopefully this has made you more aware that you need to be positioned as a church and as a leader to be flexible.”
“Blessed are the flexible, for they shall bend and not break.”
“… rather than say, I’m using this to kill things, let me encourage you to do something different. Let me encourage you to ask good questions instead.”
“Do what you can, and trust the grace of Jesus to do what you can’t.”