Church Leadership Podcast
Church Leadership Podcast
Episode 71 - Justin McKay on Church Planting, Transitioning in Leadership, Reaching an Underchurched Population, and Loving Your Community During a Crisis
On this week’s episode of the Church Leadership Podcast, our great friend, Justin McKay joins Mark and Andy for a wonderful conversation. Justin is a pastor and church planter with the SEND Network in Denver, CO. You’ll hear Justin’s personal story about his journey from leading worship in Alabama to becoming a church planting resident at Front Range Church in Colorado. This podcast is full of helpful and encouraging topics like church planting, transitioning in leadership, reaching an underchurched population, and loving your community during a crisis. You’ll hear Justin’s personal story about his journey from leading worship to becoming a church planting resident, and how his honeymoon played a huge part in the call to Colorado.

You can get in touch with Justin and join his prayer support team by emailing him here.

Also, don’t forget to enter our Bribe to Subscribe contest!

Snippets from our conversation with Justin:

“Relationships are formed over chicken biscuits.”

“We took a honeymoon to Denver, Colorado, and we were literally driving around… and simultaneously said to each other, ‘Where are all the churches?’”

“Because church planters, actually, if healthy, are sent from a local church, are Spirit-filled, they are apostolic, they have a heart for an unreached place. And I was like, ‘If that’s what a church planter is like, that’s me, and I want to do that.’”

“You know, in the South, people look for a church… That’s just not true in Denver.”

“That’s the biggest thing. So, rather than relying on methods, or program, or sermon series, we have been relying on prayer and just genuine relationships with people.”

“We reach the community before crisis happens.” 

“So, our church said, hey, we want to be in the parade, but also, we are going to clean up the confetti afterwards.”

“But the biggest thing is, are you bringing the goodness of just what the Gospel does horizontally to all people?”

“We have to engage our city and meet people, so we can disciple them: that then, plants the church.”

“If our passions, and desires, and interests meet up with God’s Word; that’s probably what He’s asking you to do. That’s probably what you’re called to do.”