Church Leadership Podcast
Church Leadership Podcast
Episode 76 - John Thomas on Making Disciples in the Midst of a Frustrating Pandemic
This week on the podcast, Mark and Andy had the privilege to talk with John Thomas, the Associational Mission Strategist for the Southeast Alabama Baptist Association. As you listen to this conversation, you will hear John’s passion for equipping and helping pastors, especially in these challenging times of ministry. We are so grateful for John and the ministry of the many Associational Mission Strategists across our convention who are pastors to the pastors. You will be challenged in this episode to evaluate the current effectiveness of our local churches in our attempts to share the gospel and make disciples in our ever changing culture. John reminds us that now more than ever, people need community and connection through the church, and even pastors should not try and do ministry alone.

You can find out more about the Southeast Alabama Baptist Association here.

Snippets from our Conversation

“Nobody’s written the book yet on how to be one hundred percent effective in this new day that we are in.”

“How do we reach those… How do we disciple those who are sick?”

“I think that part of my position is to encourage them (pastors), especially when they do something that I think is outstanding to set the pace and try to minister to these folks that are hurting.”

“I think the way you have to encourage the pastors, regardless of the size, is you’ve got to change the metric for what you judge to be a good church.”

“But the world today is not about the institutional church, they are more about a relationship with a God who cares.”

“If our church can do a little bit better job of not thinking about them coming back to the building, but coming together as a body, wherever that is.”

“The ones I worry about the most are the ones on an island and think they don’t need anybody’s help.”

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